Kandhari Kishmish

Rs. 187 MRP. 220

MEWA Kandhari Kishmish rich source of iron and copper as well as B complex vitamins which are vital for the formation of red blood cells

Category: Kishmish

MEWA Kandhari Kishmish has more nutrition than its small size might indicate. When grapes are dehydrated to produce raisins, the nutrients become more concentrated, making a handful of raisins a snack rich in B vitamins, iron, and potassium. Besides nutrients, raisins are also a good source of carbohydrates for energy. Kandhari Kishmish is loaded with fibers, which swell when they absorb water and effectively provide relief from constipation. Regular intake of raisins help regularize bowel movement as the fibres remove the toxins and wastes from the gastrointestinal tract.

Raisins are a rich source of iron and copper as well as B complex vitamins which are vital for the formation of red blood cells. Regular consumption of raisins helps cure iron deficiency anemia and promotes blood clotting during wound healing.

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